Founded in 2004 MAPA Assessoria is a Consulting company focused on Food Service. We have produced knowledge, put into operation and share information. Business, human resources, quality, product and process management are our areas of expertise.
We look for the best results for our clients based on excellence standards building structural and innovative actions for the environment, service and products of Food Service enterprises.
Assist in the professionalization and innovation with information, technology and culture in multidisciplinary activities with professionals from various fields. Bringing solutions, through services and actions for creating a results-oriented management model.
Be a great convergence of forces, targeting those that require technical and effective services in Foodservice.
Phone.: (55) (11) 3229-2907 -
Rua Itápolis, 1468 – sala 15 - Pacaembu – São Paulo/ SP - Brasil - CEP 01245-000